Wednesday 27 February 2013

Rock....NDP....Hard Place

According to Lorne Bozinoff of Forum Research, the NDP are between a rock and a hard place.

Toronto Star - Feb 22, 2013 - Robert Benzie

“The NDP is between a rock and a hard place,” said Bozinoff, noting as things stand the third party has “got a tough choice to make when the budget comes” in April about whether to continue to budget the Liberals.

While this may be true at the moment, in the euphoria surrounding the departure of Mr. McGuinty and the anticipated jettisoning of his baggage, as we get closer to budget time, the NDP may be able to escape the confines of this cliche.  Kathleen Wynne has been an integral part of the past Liberal cabinet and the reality of that position will quickly dim the glow around her in the coming weeks.  

Dalton McGuinty was the agent of change when he first took office, but as time wore on, it became apparent the cost of that change did not rank very high in the rush to tame the government beast.  The Liberals found themselves in the midst of fiascos that led the average citizen to wonder about their ability to govern.  While Ms. Wynne may be currently siphoning voters away from Ms. Horvath, as time reveals that she is holding to the existing Liberal direction and methodology, she will not be able to hold that support.

Ms. Horvath will need the strength of character to stand strong for everything the NDP needs, in order to keep their expansion of voter support alive.  In Northern Ontario, that means stopping the divestiture of ONTC and giving the stakeholders a chance to provide input into how that organization can contribute to the economy of the region and provide service under a comprehensive transportation policy.  The "New Deal" currently being proposed by the unions and the James Bay Port Authority must have all ONTC assets to be given a fair assessment.

There are many issues coming to light about the costs of continued highway growth that have the potential to turn into yet another financial fiasco.  Intercity rail passenger service co-ordinated with Metrolinx commuter service has the potential to offer real value going forward.  Combining rail passenger service with rail freight service has its challenges, but together they can bring the high capital costs down to where a rail passenger service can pull people off the roads and reduce the constant growth on the highways.  
Medium haul intermodal service can further pull traffic off the roads.

Ms. Horvath will have to ensure that ONTC remains available to capitalize on that opportunity.  She will need to play a strong hand in budget negotiations with Ms. Wynne and understand that even if the Liberals do hold fast on their stated course of action, and force an election, the voters will look upon the NDP favourably by the time an election is called.

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