Friday 25 January 2013

Public Support for Political Action

I debated with myself over which blog to post this in, Northern Ontario - Political Issues or Labour Relations and Other Workplace Issues.  It deals with gaining public support, which the First Nation Community has taken on, in a big way recently, but is of critical importance to Unions as well, given the growing threat of globalization.

There are similarities in the blockades utilized by the Idle No More movement, the sit-ins of the Occupy movement, or the picket lines of the Unions as they work to gain public support by the pressure caused from disgruntled members of the public demanding their political leaders find solutions.  However, not all leaders work well under pressure and the result may not bring a lasting solution that all sides can live with.

Those that handle pressure well, like Mr. Harper, will see that the inconvenience suffered by the public can actually turn public opinion against the protesters and use that backlash to further his own agenda, to the detriment of the First Nations, in this example.  I have long advocated for the Labour movement to find a better way to gain support for their cause, rather than the divisive nature of a strike and picket line.

The answer may lie in the actions of six Native youth from Northern Quebec who have undertaken a project that is inspiring in its challenge.  
I will leave the links to explain their journey and the reasons for it, but suffice to say, they are raising awareness (over 14,000 group members), inspiring both Native and Non-Native peoples, and delivering a message of unity and peace without inconveniencing nor driving away any member of the public.

This is how you shift public support to your side and bring pressure to bear on the other side of the bargaining table.  We should prepare our arguments and sharpen our pencils, because the Native community has learned how to negotiate.

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