Thursday 17 January 2013

The Arrogance of Perceived Power

The culture that Toronto Star reporter Kevin Donovan speaks of, in his article on Culture of Secrecy ( is fed by both ends of the political structure.  On the one hand, we have egotistical Ministers who eventually get blinded from reality by the political power they wield in their dealings, being fed by bureaucrats who have discovered the FOI legislature is a convenient way to delay or hopefully divert public disclosure of their questionable decisions.  The end result is an outright denial of access to what should be public information.  

As an example, the decision to divest ONTC has been claimed by Minister of Northern Development and Mines as his response to a perceived unsustainable business model that was contributing to the deficit situation of the province.  Despite repeated requests to show how the divestiture will save money, how the mandate of the company will be met in the future and what analysis was used to determine both, Min. Bartolucci keeps parroting the worn out sound bites first drafted by the bureaucrats to "spin" the decision to the public.

When one reviews the Liberal government reaction to the ORNGE inquiry, the gas plant cancellations, eHealth and other missteps by bureaucratic advisers  the Ministerial reaction is predictable and widespread.  The fact that it flies in the face of efforts by Dr. Cavoukian to increase openness in government seems not to have made an impression on the former Premier.

The fact that he is soon to be a "former" Premier should be uppermost in the new Premier's mind as she/he seeks to implement the changes all of the candidates seem to be espousing.  If they fail to impress upon their team the importance of what Dr. Cavoukian is talking about, the voters of Ontario will remind them in the next election.

(Please join the Facebook groups "Northern Ontario - Political Issues" and "Ontario Northland - NOT FOR SALE" for more information.)

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